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Floral Folding Screen

Floral Folding Screen


Floral Folding Screen has vivid red as base, symbolizing wealth and good fortune of peonies. Through the pop-up effect on the peonies to express the ...

Lotus Table and Chair Set

Lotus Table and Chair Set


The imagery of a lotus is transformed into a table and chair sets, as the petals become seven chairs and the seed pod becomes table. Combining aesthet...

The Supreme Ultimate Table Set

The Supreme Ultimate Table Set


The supreme ultimate table set is uniquely lightweight and utilizes locking structure to establish green aesthetic living. Its concept is based on the...

Blue- and- White Print Table set

Blue- and- White Print Table set


YiLin Qian, Taiwanese polychrome artist, well known for her superb strokes and graceful style that expresses the ancient elegance and gorgeous nobilit...

Blue-and-White Print Stool

Blue-and-White Print Stool


Stool is the most widely used type of chair, and round wood stool is one of the most common household furniture. By replacing wood with rigid paperbo...

Chinese Lattice Bench

Chinese Lattice Bench


The Chinese lattice bench is part of the green aesthetic living concept designed to promote Chinese cultural heritages. Contrary to the popular belief...

Dressing Table

Dressing Table


Unlike the traditional wooden dresser, this dressing table can be disassembled, and with its rigid paperboard material, the dressing table is light we...

Exhibition Display Stand

Exhibition Display Stand

Introduced a series of exhibition modules for exhibitors who needs to participates in many exhibitions. The exhibitions module offers a large varietie...

Pirate Table & Chair Set

Pirate Table & Chair Set


The children’s furniture set can be fun and exciting. With the compass leading its way to the treasure chests, the kids are able to store their favor...

Free Standing Display Stand for Pads

Free Standing Display Stand for Pads


Tablets and electronic applications are becoming quite common, and it is one of the essential for exhibitions. The easy to carry, easy to assemble Pad...


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